9th Day of IG Recruitmas

In the pursuit of a new professional chapter in the upcoming year, cultivating effective habits is paramount to positioning oneself for success in securing a new role. Establishing a strategic framework begins with defining clear objectives, crafting a structured schedule, and prioritising activities that contribute directly to the job search.   Define Clear Objectives: Clearly… Continue reading 9th Day of IG Recruitmas

8th Day of IG Recruitmas

On the eighth day of IG Recruitmas, we’re unwrapping the ultimate guide for graduates gearing up for assessment day success. Join us in discovering 12 tips to ace your assessment day.   Understand the Format: Familiarise yourself with the assessment day format, including the types of assessments, group activities, and individual tasks.   Research the… Continue reading 8th Day of IG Recruitmas

7th Day of IG Recruitmas

For the seventh day of Recruitmas, we are sharing 12 tips on how to ask for a pay rise.   Know Your Worth: Research industry standards and salary ranges for your position and experience level to understand your market value.   Highlight Your Contributions: Compile a list of your achievements, contributions, and added value to… Continue reading 7th Day of IG Recruitmas

6th Day of IG Recruitmas

For the sixth day of Recruitmas, the spotlight is on the invaluable skill of effective communication in the professional realm.    Here are 12 tips to help you feel confident in communicating your ideas at work:   Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to the specific needs and preferences of your audience, whether it’s your… Continue reading 6th Day of IG Recruitmas

5th Day of IG Recruitmas

As we dive into the fifth day of Recruitmas, let’s explore the crucial process of helping candidates discover their ideal job roles. Choosing the right career path can be a gift that keeps on giving, and recruiters can play a pivotal role in this journey.   Self-Assessment: Encourage candidates to conduct a thorough self-assessment, identifying… Continue reading 5th Day of IG Recruitmas

4th Day of IG Recruitmas

Here are 12 tips for recruiters to provide valuable support and guidance to their candidates:   On this fourth day of IG Recruitmas, let’s recognise the power of recruiters and how they profoundly impact the journey of their candidates.    Personalised Onboarding: Tailor the onboarding process to each candidate, ensuring they feel individually welcomed and… Continue reading 4th Day of IG Recruitmas

3rd Day of IG Recruitmas

As we step into the third day of Recruitmas, our focus turns to the art of making an indelible mark on your very first day at a new job. Today, we unwrap the secrets to crafting a lasting impression that extends far beyond a warm welcome.   Arrive Early and Prepared: Demonstrate punctuality and preparedness… Continue reading 3rd Day of IG Recruitmas

2nd Day of IG Recruitmas

On 2nd of Recruitmas, we turn our focus to an inevitable yet transformative aspect of the job-seeking experience: what to do when the offer doesn’t come your way.   Here are 12 tips for candidates when facing rejection:   Seek Constructive Feedback: Reach out to the hiring manager for feedback on why you weren’t selected.… Continue reading 2nd Day of IG Recruitmas

1st Day of IG Recruitmas

On the First Day of Techmas, My Recruiter Gave to Me: Optimising Job Descriptions Strategically   Keywords Mastery: Identify and incorporate relevant keywords that resonate with your target audience and match the skills you’re looking for.   Clarity is Key: Craft clear and concise job descriptions to ensure candidates understand the role, responsibilities, and expectations.… Continue reading 1st Day of IG Recruitmas

Understanding the Factors Behind Candidate Job Departures

Mismatched Expectations: One of the primary reasons candidates decide to part ways with a job is a misalignment between their expectations and the actual job reality. This mismatch can encompass aspects such as job responsibilities, company culture, growth opportunities, and work-life balance. Transparent communication during the recruitment process can play a pivotal role in managing… Continue reading Understanding the Factors Behind Candidate Job Departures